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destination code中文是什么意思

用"destination code"造句"destination code"怎么读"destination code" in a sentence


  • 接收站代码
  • 目的代码
  • 目的地代码
  • 目的地码
  • 收报局代码


  • National destination code
  • With the destination code analysis , it has been found that the 6975 bureau to the urban volume ( one way ) is 540erl , the 6977 bureau to the urban volume ( one way ) is 480erl , and the 6178 bureau nearly 200erl , plus the urban voice traffic volume of the incoming calls , the 6973 bureau and the 6970 bureau has tandemed the voice traffic volume nearly 1000erl . this has increased the auxiliary tandem office voice load , and at the same time , increased the demand for the trunking lines and has made pressure on the trunk module of the areas and counties
    经目的码分析, 6975局到市内的话务量(单向)为540erl , 6977局到市内的话务量(单向)为480erl , 6178局到市内的话务量(单向)将近200erl ,再加上市内来话的话务量,使6973局和6970局为其他局转接的话务量将近1000erl ,大大增加了辅助汇接局转接的话务负荷,同时,端局到区、县中心局,区、县中心局到汇接局的中继数量需求大,造成了区、县中心局中继模块紧张的状况。
用"destination code"造句  
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